The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Yorick is a champion (a term for playable characters in LoL) that has only seldom been touched since he was launched. Not because he was perfectly balanced from the get-go, of course. He's had small balance changes over the years. There is a bit of a problem with old Yorick, however.
You see, Yorick is a load of garbage.
Not literally, of course. He's a decent top laner with few counters. However, nothing about Yorick feels clean, or up-to-date, or fun to play against. Despite the balance changes, he still feels like a 2011 champion stuck in 2016. He hasn't even been touched since 2015!
At least, that's what people say. I had never played Yorick until earlier today. I was playing on the rotating game queue, the current game mode is Nemesis Draft. In this mode, you choose your enemy's character, and they choose yours. I think the enemy picked Nunu, another archaic champion (though not nearly as much as Yorick), for me. But, lo and behold, a guy on my team wanted to trade. They play Nunu, and I play Yorick. I knew all about Yorick's infamy, but I'm like "hey, I'll be the good guy here."
And then the internet went out. I was out of the game for eight minutes.
Needless to say, that was enough for me to go on tilt ("On tilt" is a term used for when a player performs worse than usual out of frustration). I was level one when the rest of my team was level six. But I eventually reconnected, and I went to my lane, and started farming. I got closer to my team as the game progressed, but I was always low on funds.
If you don't know how to play Yorick by this point, he's basically a necromancer champion. Every one of his abilities summons a monster with its own unique stats. These ghouls are incredibly annoying to deal with, and gimmicky to boot. Your damage is only average, so spam the living hell out of them if you even dream of staying relevant.
But anyway, back to the game. I was behind for pretty much the whole thing. Throughout, I slowly realized, and finally understood, the hate for Yorick. I sucked. I mean, the ghouls certainly helped, but without them I was useless. I died quite a lot. He just isn't fun to play as or against. I kept having internet problems throughout, too, disconnecting at random intervals. So yeah, I was super-weak, and we lost the game. No shock there. So, what's the good news?
Yorick is getting reworked.
That's right, Yorick is going to be completely relaunched in only a couple of months. No longer will he be the worst champion in League of Legends by a landslide. He will get a fresh new coat of paint, and he will be beautiful.
But for now, all I can say? Alas, poor Yorick.
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